A compilation of useful tips, suggestions and installation discussions for anyone interested in providing added home safety for family members.

From the category archives: Home Freedom Blog

Senior Citizen

Falling Risks and Home Safety

You understand the importance of safety and incorporate it into your daily life. You don’t run with scissors or dive into the shallow end of a pool because you know better. Do you also know that most accidents happen during routine daily activities? That’s why it’s important to set up your home to prevent injuries by having basic safety features incorporated into the layout of the house. Some safety features you may associate with elderly or handicapped people, but the same measures make perfect sense in any home by making it integrally safer in order to prevent potential falling accidents.

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Safety Is Important for All of Us

Most of us spent our infancy struggling to find our way around the world. and even the most graceful ballerina or steady-handed surgeon occasionally have an accident just by moving about. While there is no such thing as a perfectly safe world, the addition of safety equipment in sensible locations can help all of us go through life with a few less bumps, bangs, and bruises. For those who don't think that their business or home can make use of safety equipment, maybe these tales will remind you of how they help.

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When you work with Home Freedom, you can be sure that you’re getting honest service from a team that genuinely cares about the safety and independence of seniors in the area.

Our mission

The process of aging or the onset of infirmity can be very difficult for both the elderly and their families. Senior citizens and those with disabilities fear becoming a burden to their families, losing self-sufficiency and being unable to do the things they enjoy and are accustomed to. We strive to return that precious capacity to our clients through the quality products and exceptional services we offer.

Our products

Seniors and those with disabilities are increasingly empowered to stay in their homes. Home Freedom LLC believes they should have that right. With a few adjustments, most homes in the Minneapolis, MN area can be equipped with ramps, grab bars, toilet safety accessories, automatic door openers, bed rails and much more - all of which help maximize independence in the comfort of your own residence.

Our process

Home Freedom is dedicated to providing you with quality care and the best in safety enhancing equipment. When you are working with Home Freedom LLC, you can be sure to receive:

Fast friendly service
Flexible hours
Licensed and insured professionals
Free estimates
Guaranteed satisfaction